Charity Day Winners 2024
Charity Winners 2024 - Men
December Robert Ward
January Not Played
February Richard Clayton
March Dennis Crowley
April Juha Vuorlahti
May Mick Richards
June Alan Fitt
July Club Championship
August Sean Mowen
September Willo Williams
October Course Flood
November Course Flood
Charity Winners 2024 - Ladies
December Jeannie Doolan
January Not Played
February Johanna Ambler
March Heike Adam
April Lesley Hart
May Leah Morrison
June Jennifer Daniels
July Club Championship
August Valma Cossar
September Julie Lusan
October Course Flood
November Course Flood
The Charity Day Champion playoff will be held in December each year and in addition to any prize from the day's club competition will have the right to nominate their Charity of choice to receive the monies collected during the year for the purpose of the donation. Note that Ladies and Men have separate qualifying but on the playoff there will be only one overall winner.
The winner of the club competition on that day qualifies for the subsequent year's playoff.
Charity Day Champion 2023
Robert Ward who nominated Guide Dogs for the Blind as his charity of choice. This year the Vets accumulated $1,176. Well done Vets and Robert.
Charity Day Champion 2022
Phillip Hancock who nominated .Ronald McDonald Houseas his charity of choice. This year the accumulated fund was reduced to $1,170 due to floods throughout 2022.
Charity Day Champion 2021
Frank Ah Lo who nominated Ronald McDonald House as his charity of choice. This year the accumulated fund was reduced to $902 due to floods throughout the year.
Charity Day Champion 2020
Robert Ward who nominated Guide Dogs for the Blind as his charity of choice. This year the Vets accumulated $1,746. Well done Vets.
Charity Day Champion 2019
Col Smylie who nominated Bowel cancer as his charity of choice. Donation this year $1,665
1. Played on the second Thursday of each Month unless otherwise determined by the committee.
2. All players pay an additional $2.00 in addition to the normal competition fee toward the total pool to be donated by the overall winner.
3. Each month a man or lady will qualify for the playoff game, that being the best stableford score.
4. Each qualifier will play off in a stableford game. There will only be one overall winner (either a man or a lady) and the winner will able to nominate a charity or charities of their choice. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place-getters also receive a monetary award as determined by the Pro-shop.
A past member of our Vets club, Lorrie Devlan instigated our Charity days many years ago when she was the owner/manager of Lorrie’s Pies. As the sponsor, instead of balls for NTP’s she provided a packet of 4 pies of various flavours for each NTP winner. Any pies not collected at presentations that day were raffled off at the next Charity day. All proceeds from these raffles were added to the Charity Day funds for that month. If there were no unclaimed pies on any month, Lorrie put in extras so there were Charity raffles most months. In 2017 upon Lorries departure from the club Halcyon became the sponsor.